The magnetic beliefs of you

To those who have been faithfully advancing on this path of transformation and continue to participate in this sacred work, congratulations on your great COURAGE. Chronic belief research continues. The long-buried repulsive beliefs that have driven away our Good have now been exposed and have nowhere to hide. The funny thing is that they actually believe they are the Truth. SAY OH! Interestingly, some of these beliefs were well known to us, while others took us completely by surprise. No matter. The air of mystery is finally gone and we are now very clear why we have been separated from our Good. The spotlight is shining on these imaginative little buggers and they are no longer the stars of the show, unless we let them be. We now have a sobering awareness of what has been driving us and those of us who are ready to continue our healing can’t wait to do so. This is a new day. Now we are in CHOICE and now we know too much to comfortably go back to the way things were.

The gap between where our Dreams live and where our present reality vibrates is not yet closed. The good news, however, is that there is no longer endless questioning of why our demonstrations have not happened. There is no longer a dark and mysterious abyss that can stop us from our Good, unless we allow it. Yes, there are still some internal changes to be made. Our PERCEPTIONS are at the heart of our freedom and changing them becomes a fun and creative process. Now we know exactly what we’re up against and what playing field we’re on. Our eyes are wide open as to what our recurring themes have been throughout this lifetime. A vow never to return there is now quietly in place.

What’s next? Now that we know what’s been holding us hostage, how do we get rid of these self-destructive magnets that keep us playing ridiculously small in the world? Is it really possible to flip them over and rotate 360 ​​degrees? YES! If we wholeheartedly desire a different life enough, then there is LIGHT at the end of the tunnel. He believes that it is so and walks towards him with confidence.

Remember that a belief is just a thought that has been thought over and over again. To create a new belief, we must replace old destructive thoughts with new EMPOWERING thoughts…repeatedly…and create a new program. Your rigorous intention must be the constant INFUSION of these new ways of thinking and being. This process is simple, but it is not for those looking to cost. Immense DILIGENCE is required if we are to move beyond these old stifling limitations. After all, it took years to solidify the old thoughts and fix them in place. Are you willing to consciously work/play to change these negative thought patterns and secure your new beliefs? Observe what your answer is and refrain from judging it. You are in Choice now. If you are afraid, you now know that you can still choose YES and move on with Grace.

Creating a DAILY PRACTICE is an important powerful tool that helps us play this winning game. Several layers of healing are required to be successful in removing these misinformed thought patterns.


1. Consciously catch the dialogues that you say to yourself and to others repetitively throughout your days. Don’t judge yourself, just watch!

2. Establish what you would like your new beliefs to be. You can create whatever you want! What new empowering thoughts resonate with you and register as true?
(If it sounds like you’re lying to yourself when you say them, then you are. Choose things that only resonate in your heart as possible or true.)

3. Choose these thoughts on purpose and play them REPEATEDLY in a loop until they are their natural place to arise. Writing them down to remember your new platform is a MUST. Place them on the mirror, on your computer, in your car, next to your bed, etc… We are creatures of habit and we must remember our new Truths, constantly, otherwise the old beliefs will creep back in if we are pilot automatic.

COMMITTING yourself to implementing these newly placed structures is what will support you on your new path to freedom.


To quote Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can do something or not, you’re right.”

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