The seventh reincarnation

Everyone stops and thinks about their life and why they are here; at least at some point. The thoughts, actions, knowledge and emotions accumulated throughout his time could not be in vain. How can they imagine that everything will end with their death and most will have the feeling that their “being” will continue? This is the same kind of thinking that motivated religious beliefs in the afterlife.

However, what is happening is the knowledge that life goes on, but not as religions teach. My reincarnation showed that we come back to life in a new body, like a baby. Only in a body can we feel and only when we are alive do we connect.

The philosopher Descartes pointed out that he thinks and therefore is. One can only think when alive in a body, as with feeling. That means that if we don’t have a body we stop being. Isn’t that a contradiction to religious beliefs that in death we feel and can experience pleasure and pain?

Anyone who has seen a corpse knows how wrong that thought is. The dead have no feelings, since only the living nerves conduct the sensations. Only a connected brain can participate in pleasure, while pain is equally a transmitted stimulus.

If we can only feel while we are alive, then how many times have we existed, why can’t we just be here now and not have been here before? In my experience, we have been reincarnated several times and the Bible states that the seventh is the last time (Job 5: 19-21).

From what I have been shown each time we have lived, we progress and the benefits are manifested in how humanity has gone from being hunter-gatherers to being able to use electricity and the technology that accompanies it. We now have the Internet, emails, and other devices that allow us to instantly communicate with anyone in the world.

But is this a dream or a reality? The Spirit expressed in prophecy that we would know all the answers at the end of the day and that time is now. The Internet is the mountains of God promised to deliver the news at this time (Micah 4: 1). Thanks to this miracle everyone can hear the truth about the Spirit and how and why the facts were hidden until now.

We are at the moment of the sixth reincarnation when the world, as we know it, will end. Those who have a strong spiritual bond and in whom the Spirit is pleased, will pass to the seventh reincarnation, where they will survive forever. Nothing will harm them and all religious and fantasy junk will be removed. Those who don’t make it will simply be gone forever, as they were the force used to strengthen the survivors’ connection.

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