Why do the same things keep happening?

It’s a question many of us have asked ourselves for some time, “Why do the same things keep happening?” We might think I’ve taken care of a problem, fixed it, and then, wham, it pops up again. I think I know why.

When we are very young, the gateway to our unconscious mind is wide open. When we reach a certain stage of development, we get ‘the voice’ inside our heads (our conscious mind). This conscious mind is the gatekeeper to our unconscious mind and is critical by definition (which is why it is often critical).

However, in times of great emotional stress, the conscious mind is so bombarded with information that it takes its eye off of surveillance work and the gateway opens and allows BIG statements (and programs) to come in.

The most important of these times is puberty. There is so much emotional information and confusion going on, that an action or word from a parent or friend can create a powerful and profound statement that goes straight to the unconscious mind!

“Why don’t men/women find me attractive?”, “How come I can’t do x?”, “I don’t understand why nobody helps me”, “No matter how hard I try, I never get love/ respect/rewards I deserve”. and so.

Now, you can see that some of these are pretty wild and probably untrue statements, said in an emotional whirlwind, but these things can stick around!

We CAN be defined by these statements if, during the next two years of adolescence, we have experiences that fit the statement and reinforce the imperative ‘this is who I am’ that happens at this time.

Then we mature and the statement/question gets buried under a few layers of refinement, socialization and maturity, but it’s still there and for many of us it’s still working.

Then we discover that we are attracting the same bad luck with love/cars/addictions/money (or whatever) and we look at the relationship we have with what we are attracting, but the truth is that we are attracting the challenge to play . the defining statement (of who we are) that we made as impressionable teenagers!

For example, if my statement is that I’m not good enough, I can play that statement through relationship problems, unfulfilling careers, drug problems, anything really. The experience you attract will be affected by other programs you have set. I don’t have the space to go into the complexities from which these qualifiers may have been drawn, but it is important that we deal with whatever it is that prevents us from the life we ​​want.

Suffice to say, if you find that you’re attracting the same kinds of challenges into your life, stop asking yourself, “Why do the same things keep happening?” and look what happened when he went through puberty. The biggest disappointments often lead to the biggest returns.

The cure?

Even if you are unsure about the statement, you can deal with the effect through self-hypnosis. You will need to enter a semi-hypnotic state (like daydreaming) through the process of becoming aware of external and internal things. For example, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Listen carefully for any sounds inside (ringing in the ears or the like) and after a while of listening and raising your awareness, listen to the sounds in real life and change.

Do the same with images (internal images or visual sensations followed by external ones; remember the details of the room you are in, for example), and then do the same with sensations (internal sensations followed by the sensation in your mind). skin). Pay attention to your breath, your default state. By now you will be in a semi-hypnotic state.

At this point, talk to your unconscious mind and say something like, “Those statements made in the past that cause me to attract experiences that frustrate me (choose the emotion you feel the most when thinking about these replays) no longer apply to me.” , so I can let them go. Now I believe…” and replace the statement with a positive statement consistent with the opposite of what has been happening: how you want to be around this problem.

Do this as many times as you feel necessary and you may never ask yourself the question, “Why do the same things keep happening?” again.

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