Why is My Home AC Blowing Warm?

Home AC Blowing Warm

Your home Air Conditioning repair system has a complicated process to cool your indoor air. Among other things, the cooling cycle involves a compressor and an evaporator coil that are filled with a chemical known as refrigerant. The refrigerant changes from liquid to gas when it evaporates, which pulls heat out of your air. The cooled air is then blown back into your house through the ducts. However, the simplest problems can prevent your AC from creating cold air and blowing it into your house.

In some cases, the solution is as easy as checking the thermostat settings. For instance, the fan setting may be set to ON rather than AUTO. When the fan setting is on, the circulating fan runs 24/7, which can keep your air feeling warm in between cooling cycles. This is because the air that comes out of the vents is warm from the circulating fan, and not the cool air from your air conditioner.

Another simple problem is a dirty air filter that keeps the evaporator coil from getting as cold as it should. The evaporator coil is filled with refrigerant, and the air that blows over it should absorb and cool the refrigerant. However, when the air is not pushed over the coil often enough, it can cause dirt and debris to build up, which in turn makes the coil less effective.

Why is My Home AC Blowing Warm?

You can change your air filter to improve the situation, but if you notice other issues, it is a good idea to contact an HVAC professional. A tech will be able to check for larger problems, such as an obstructed or damaged evaporator coil.

A clogged drainpipe can also lead to problems. AC systems produce a lot of water from their processes, and the drain is designed to carry this away from the unit. If the drainpipe is clogged, then the water will stay inside the unit and eventually overflow. This is not only a safety issue, but it can also cause the compressor to stop working properly and even cause an overheated motor.

You can try removing the clog with a wire or with a chemical cleaner like baking soda and vinegar. However, if you notice any other problems, such as unusual or strange noises, it is best to call an HVAC professional for help.

You can also prevent many of these issues by having your HVAC system tuned up and inspected in the spring before the first hot day arrives. By doing this, you can avoid having the cooling system break down on you during the summer and save money on your energy bill. You can also avoid these issues by installing a smart thermostat or a smart AC controller, such as the Cielo Breez Plus, for more peace of mind and convenience. If you are interested in learning more, contact the Cielo Breez Plus team today! We are always happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

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