Why worry? do everything right

In fact, good and evil are in the eyes of the beholder who definitely works to achieve either condition. The worst or best way to live is determined by our conscience. Recently, I was thinking about the old saying “as you sow, so you reap.” Reality works that way. There are no accidents. I know, many of us would love to think that there are accidents rather than lessons being taught. But, the synchronicity of life works like this: self-responsibility and self-corrections are not rights, they are necessities, especially if we want to do things really well.

Recently, I faced a moral crisis and realized that the best advice on how to deal with it comes from myself and my meditations, not from outside, from anywhere. So when I came up with my title, that’s what I was thinking: Why bother? Make everything okay by putting the whole problem in a deeper place instead of worrying superficially.

Sure, it sounds a little too simple, a little too easy, and a little too straightforward. But have we not put aside some of life’s problems in this way and found their solutions? Some may say yes, some may say no, I can definitely say yes. That’s where this article comes from, too – it’s about a place of “let go, but don’t give up”, that’s all it’s really about. Go for the good, not the bad when you let go and don’t give up to get the genuine result you want. After all, ultimately bad is just resistance, and good is a genuine acceptance of the good for the good that it is. Reality is just as double-edged a sword, and ultimately we decide which way it cuts. This is where the results count on our genuine choice of where to balance ourselves and how to accept situations and realities that come our way.

The realities and the results are the same and ultimately, regardless of whether it is on purpose or by accident, we create them both. So why worry, if it’s not good, work on it well. If it’s bad, same difference. Why get angry? I can only say, “stay busy, do the right thing below your own estimation, then be good.” What is there to lose, there is greatness to be gained on our own finally correct choices about what happens in life and existence.

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