Discovering the connection between weight and lifestyle

Why do some people have a harder time losing weight than others? Some people have a really low metabolism due to innate genetic conditions. Others develop hormonal imbalance disorders like hypothyroidism later in life, which can also make losing weight nearly impossible without proper treatment. However, the most common cause of delayed weight loss is […]

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Apartments, one man’s dream is another’s nightmare

Apartments. Usually someone’s first home after getting married. I can’t really say that they are relatively cheap anymore. Depending on where you live, apartments can cost you between several hundred and several thousand dollars a month. So what does one do when looking for an apartment? Believe it or not, there are many different types, […]

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Kodak Playsport Zx5 vs Kodak Playtouch Zi10 – Which is better?

The word “best” in the title is not really accurate. How do you choose between the Kodak Playsport Zx5 and the Kodak Playtouch Zi10 when they are both such great units? With so many great features in common, choosing one that is objectively “better” is impossible. Still, there are differences that can help you select […]

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Party With Celebs – How to get into the club’s VIP room for free

Who can resist the allure of the party behind the velvet rope? But for those of us without celebrity status, money to splurge, or good promoter connections, getting into the VIP room can be a difficult task. Luckily for you, I’ve spent the last eight years mastering the art of entering the VIP lounge. My […]

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The Hotwife Lifestyle – 3 Secrets To Make It Work!

For many couples, the Hotwife lifestyle is a savings for the marriage, something that can be counterintuitive considering the pain, anguish and problems that infidelity often causes in a marriage. But … Hotwife lifestyle It is NOT the same as ordinary cheating. Let me explain: when someone has an ‘affair’, it usually means that they […]

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