belief is closure

The CON in CONstructs:

There are many schools of esoteric wisdom and many divisions or a hierarchy in each of them. Some of the initiates think they know everything once they see what their school has put into the ether to make them think what they want to think. Carl Jung describes something related to this in his foreword to The Tibetan Book of the Dead. He makes it clear that once a person enters the afterlife, he will see what he thought he believed or expected to see at first. Astral ‘travellers’ who err with little awareness of history will think they are finding evidence of God or extraterrestrial involvement in Earth’s cultural development. The wizards and priesthoods of the past knew very well that most people “traveled” every night. In the pre-Christian era, this ‘journey’ was conscious and most people were more skilled and aware. The Thoth-Hermes or Imhotep-Asklepios intellectual schools, which the celebrated historian Michael Grant tells us was the main system of thought in the Old World, are reflected throughout the world.

The Mediwiwin Society of North America and the Toltecs or Chanes/Dragons join the pantheon of spiritual scientific experts that modern quantum physicists say Eastern philosophies were most expressive about. The Mandukya Upanishads, the I Ching, and the Tao or Zen – all of these systems, including the Yoga of my early adulthood and the search for truth, are pointed to by Capra, Heisenberg, Wigner, and the likes of Zukav, as well as the leading Nobel laureates in all the hard sciences. It was these schools of philosophy or thought that let me know that our story was made up and not very close to reality. It goes both ways. Knowledge must be verified through other means of knowledge and all facts must be included. There should be no anomaly in any true story that our culture or science understands. Belief is the ‘closure’ of the mind! But ‘believe’ or ‘Faith’ in some CON game that Noahdists, Brahmins or other Kabbalistic types might have made has a very negative side. It builds the kind of obsession and nationalism that leads to Gihads of many kinds. Makes people say they speak for God or ‘consult a higher authority’ while creating War on Terra (or is that Terror?).

“Two key terms for Pisces are Sacrifice and ‘I believe.’ Could that be the lesson of the Piscean age, sacrifice belief? By the way, there are almost six hundred years of the Piscean age to run. To stop the indoctrination of our young people in established religions, to tell children the truth and stop trying to build a moral conscience through the carrot and stick method of religion.This continual projection of shame, judgment and repression onto people who possess particular abilities is more the cause of the lack of strength than the ability itself. Yes, as a modern progressive society, we are growing in a fuller appreciation that freedom of expression and psychological health go hand in hand, but we are still very far from libertarianism.{Certain Illuminati say it is their front and I know it derives from the Merovingian physiocratic school that Dupont de Nemours initiated Jefferson into. mind representing a change in the power base from the king and pope to a group of people with too many opinions sponsored by business interests promoting a self-interest ethic.

As long as society in general and we as individuals resort to punishment as a way to modify human behavior, God as the face of the human collective unconsciousness, the universal mind will not be complete and balanced. God will be too embarrassed to look at his own face because of how disgusting and ugly the misunderstood aspects of his nature are believed to be. So there God and the Devil sit on opposite ends of the same fence, facing each other, forgetting that they are two halves of one whole. For those who have traveled along the inner landscapes will know that they need to be friends with all aspects of human nature and it is the job of the individual to reconcile this split in consciousness and let these two friends, God and the Devil, return. home together.

Once again going back to the legends of the enlightened ones who guide humanity, the secret societies, the esoteric orders that pride themselves on being privy to secrets too sacred for the uninitiated, the custodians of spiritual truth, the mystery schools who demand loyalty for fear of death. . Why would God as a collective consciousness dream of the existence of such groups? On the one hand, these groups have literally cemented interior landscapes with bricks and mortar and sign after sign. These pioneers of psychic exploration have mapped the human subconscious with such dedication that they have traveled the realms, searching for possible answers. These groups serve a dual function. They know that the direction of man’s destiny will come through the unraveling of a psychic thread, so they promote themselves as custodians of the keys to enlightenment. Its second function is to prevent anyone from accessing this psychic thread.

God, as the collective unconscious, knows that as long as the hero continues to enter the labyrinth holding on to Ariadne’s thread to return the same way he came out, it is the thread itself that prevents him from finding the other side of the labyrinth. Her own tradition of trusting in fate repeatedly woven by Athena/Arachne in her weaver goddess guise prevents her from dropping the old thread and finding the new. When I go into the realms of the subconscious I want to meet Elvis and Frank Zappa, Freddie Mercury and my Aunt Shirley. I found it really annoying to be directed by the keepers of the inner ways to answer questions about Archetypes as old as Janus and Isis. My imagination was figuratively constrained by grounded traditions that don’t interest me, they are so antiquated that they only represent tombs for thought, not repositories for the living material of conscious construction.

So, any aspirant seeking enlightenment who is able to open his mind, raise his conscious level, gets caught like a fly in a spider’s web, in a stereotyped interaction with the subconscious that results from the archetypal conditioning of the collective subconscious. What seems to have happened is that the participants in the initiated mystery schools began to believe that the ritual Archetypes that were deliberately woven into the mists of the collective unconscious as signs were actually real. This sentiment pervades many modern initiation schools that speak of the reality of the Otherworld as being just as real as this one. So the belief structure built around this Otherworld has separated it from the original purpose of the technique, which was simply an easy way, a step-by-step plan to gain access to the collective human consciousness. These belief structures have cemented God, as a collective consciousness, in a prison. So why, if this is so obvious, why hasn’t it been picked up on before? This is the other function of the mystery schools, to prevent people from seeing the truth, finding the keys, having access to a broader vision of God as the collective unconscious.

By structuring the collective subconscious, it has been fixed in one place, anchored if you will. Imagine the evolutionary process of man’s consciousness as a precessional zodiacal wheel. With the appearance of time errors, the archetypal map no longer represents the topography, but the errors are slight, and by extending the original structure by superimposing new myths on top of the old frame, the map appears accurate. The two-dimensional image of the subconscious becomes three-dimensional. Every time the current of man’s development has allowed him to glimpse a new concept, the essence has been symbolized and quickly incorporated as a new building material into the old structure.

So the original place in man’s consciousness where the precessional development of man’s entire nature has been built has become so dense that a fortress has been built, a revolving castle of Arianrhod. Instead of mankind drifting along the path of evolution, we have been fixed in space, chained to a huge architecturally designed structure to which all fully initiated masters contributed. So if this structure is what prevents man from continuing on the path to enlightenment, why was it designed by people seeking the same thing? Because the Architect knew that one day these structures would finally be seen for the prison they are and God as the collective unconscious would teach himself the means by which he could escape the prison walls. In hindsight, we can say that man’s consciousness is genetically coded not to continue development until man is aware of the process and has made a conscious decision to evolve.” (7)

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