Are you facing a possible Minnesota license revocation?

If you are convicted of a DWI in Minnesota, one of your biggest concerns is the possibility of facing a Minnesota license revocation. After all, being forced to drive with a limited driver’s license in Minnesota or having your license revoked entirely can make it hard for you to hold down a job, go to school, socialize with friends and family, or enjoy everyday activities. what do we do. we often take for granted.

In order to maintain your driving privileges after being arrested for a DWI, it is important that you take immediate action. This is because Minnesota law allows for immediate revocation of your license if you fail an alcohol test or refuse to submit to the test.

You will then be issued a seven-day temporary license that will lead to your Minnesota license being revoked based on the offense.

Under state law, you will face a Minnesota license revocation for the following situations…

90 day revocation
He has had no previous drunk driving incidents in the past ten years and no aggravating factors were present at the time of the incident. This can be reduced to 30 days if he is convicted and has no prior DWI convictions or implied consent revocations.

six months
You were under 21 when the crime occurred.

180 days
Had a drunk driving incident in the last 10 years.

Double Penalty
Your license revocation period may be doubled if you had a result of .20 or higher, or if you had a child under the age of 16 in the car at the time of the incident.

One year
You refused to take an alcohol test. This can be reduced to 90 days if you are convicted, have no prior DWI convictions, or have no prior implied consent revocations.

canceled indefinitely
You have four DWI violations or are considered a threat to public safety.

Depending on your specific situation, your attorney may be able to successfully negotiate a limited driver’s license in Minnesota if you are convicted of driving while intoxicated.

However, it is important to note that having a limited driver’s license in Minnesota only allows you to drive to certain places, such as to and from work. Therefore, it is essential to retain an experienced attorney who will give you the best chance of avoiding a conviction or facing revocation of a Minnesota license.

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