Infant body odor: causes and cures

Does your child smell like wet socks or the locker room? Typically, boys need to start using deodorant when they go through puberty, between 8 and 13 years for girls and between 9 and 14 years for boys. However, some boys have a noticeable body odor before puberty. There are some children, even as babies, who sweat more than usual, a condition called hyperhidrosis. Otherwise they are healthy except for excessive sweating.

Before you run out of shopping for all kinds of deodorants and perfumes for your child, let’s first see what causes body odor and then what can be done to combat it.

Body odor and sweat

Contrary to popular belief, sweat or sweat does not smell. That’s right, sweat doesn’t stink. The human body produces two types of sweat: eccrine, a transparent and odorless sweat that appears throughout our body, performing the vital function of regulating body temperature, and apocrine, a thicker substance produced by the glands of the armpit, leather scalp and groin areas. Sweating also provides a natural method of removing toxins from the body.

Body odor occurs when sweat is exposed to bacteria on the skin. It is the mixture of sweat and bacteria that causes the bad smell. This occurs in places where sweat cannot easily evaporate, for example the armpit or genital area.

Prevention of body odors

The key to eliminating most body odors is to inhibit the body’s production of apocrine sweat and decrease the amount of bacteria on the surface of the skin.

  • Use an antibacterial deodorant soap: Wash daily with an antibacterial soap such as Dial or Safeguard.
  • Use an acne cleanser: If antibacterial soaps don’t work, try using an acne cleanser that contains benzoyl peroxide. It has strong antibacterial properties. Be careful, overuse can lead to dryness and irritation. You can also try Neosporin or an antibacterial ointment.
  • Rubbing alcohol: Try rubbing alcohol, witch hazel, or hydrogen peroxide for added protection. These products help reduce the number of odor-causing bacteria.
  • Try a homemade deodorant: Mix equal parts witch hazel, aloe vera, and mineral water. You can also add 1 teaspoon of glycerin along with a good smelling oil. Mix it up in a spray bottle and enjoy!
  • Antiperspirants: Antiperspirants are aluminum-based chemicals that block the pores of the apocrine glands and prevent you from sweating. Antiperspirants can cause irritation or even contact dermatitis – red, swollen and itchy skin, especially in young children. If you use an antiperspirant, try one that does not contain perfume.
  • Deodorants: Deodorants eliminate or mask the smell of sweat by neutralizing bacteria. Deodorants do not prevent sweating, therefore deodorants can be reapplied during the day to prevent bacteria and odor from developing. Deodorants and remedies like rubbing alcohol, antibacterial cleansers, or homemade deodorants can be less irritating to young skin than antiperspirants.
  • Bathe daily: Regular bathing helps reduce the amount of bacteria on the skin.
  • Dry your feet thoroughly after bathing: Bacteria thrive in damp places like between the toes. Use powders like cornstarch, baking soda, or foot powder to help absorb moisture.
  • Wear shoes and socks made of natural materials: Shoes made from natural materials, such as leather or a mesh material, can help prevent sweaty feet by allowing the feet to breathe.
  • Change socks frequently: Change your socks once or twice a day, drying your feet.
  • Wear loose clothing: Wear loose, natural fabrics, such as cotton, wool, and silk, that allow your skin to breathe.
  • Laundry detergents that fight odors: Wash your clothes with an odor-fighting detergent. If necessary, change your clothes or underwear during the day.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet: If there are many toxins in the body, they can produce a bad smell. If you eat a balanced diet and eliminate waste efficiently, none of your excretions, including urine and feces, should have a bad odor.

Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)

For most people, sweating is little more than an annoyance. Others simply produce more sweat than others for no apparent reason. Whatever the reason, there are some factors that can cause children to sweat a lot. These include:

  • Inheritance: Some people have a genetic predisposition to sweat excessively.
  • Certain foods and drinks: Hot drinks and spicy foods.
  • Certain types of medications
  • Diabetes: A fruity smell can be a sign of diabetes.
  • Liver or kidney disease: An ammonia odor can be a sign of kidney or liver disease.
  • Fever: Fever can occur with many types of bacterial and viral infections. Sweating profusely is the body’s way of eliminating excess heat.
  • Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)
  • Certain types of cancer: Leukemia and lymphoma can cause unusual sweating patterns.
  • Metabolic disorders: Some metabolic disorders such as phenylketonuria (PKU) can cause body odor.

While in most children, body odor and sweating are not related to any

condition, if your child has an unpleasant odor, it should be evaluated by a doctor.

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