TO "Closing Sript" It’s a sales myth

Many of the closing techniques taught in today’s sales workshops – audiotapes, training manuals, or in books on the subject of sales – are often ethically questionable. Methods like the “forced choice close” or the “wrong major quantity close” even sound unethical. And what about the “puppy dog” closure, the “pity” closure, or the “alternative choice” closure? There are literally hundreds of them.

Not only is it difficult to remember a specific closing technique in the heat of a sales transaction, but most of these closing levers actually fail to produce the desired result with today’s sophisticated decision makers. For the most part, these questionable methods were designed for an earlier time when “sales pitches” and “verbal persuasion” were the sales preference of choice for most professionals in the sales or service industry.

Use a well thought out consultative sales system such as that found in Building and Closing The Sale *, a best-selling sales training manual published by Crisp Learning in Menlo Park, California, which facilitates in-depth research and a series of questions test closure. , reduces the need to use strong arm closing tactics. If executed correctly, the logic of a consultative sales process will lead most decision makers to ask, “How do we get started?” eliminating the need to learn and then try to remember dozens of closing methods for your sales presentations. The My Sales Success Strategies (Self-Directed Learning) manual is made up of 30 daily lessons that describe a proven system for closing sales. You can learn more about this unique, field-proven training at:

The Huthwaite Research Group in Great Britain has conducted a comprehensive analysis of sales success by observing 1,000 customer calls over a twelve-year period in 27 countries. His research to train sales reps in closing skills found that the use of closing techniques in a presentation is “inversely related” to the success of the sale. They found that most of the clients or clients resisted many of the closing techniques used on them. The research also suggested that the near-universal belief that the more you close, the better your chances of sales success is also a myth. A high number of closing attempts are less successful than a low number of closings according to Huthwaite. Buyers clearly prefer sellers who don’t use too many closing techniques.

Selling today is all about asking questions that reveal a potential customer’s problems and reasons for buying, and then simply offering solutions based on your products or services. Then, to close, just request the order. The actual closing takes place while the potential customer answers your questions. In other words, by asking questions, your prospects will often be sold and then closed.

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