Introduction to open source game design for Google smartphones

Google has offered open source tools and education, but it’s up to you to learn and develop your own smartphone apps to show how proficient you are in open source game design and development and what value you’ll be able to offer in future online developments. I would imagine that Google is a great company […]

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Increased earnings from your autoresponder: audit your existing emails

This is the first part of a two-part series on how to increase the profitability of your autoresponder emails. In today’s post, we’re talking about your existing autoresponder emails. In part two, we’ll cover how to add more emails to your funnel. Autoresponder emails are the messages that are sent to your readers after they […]

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Procedure to kill a patent on the battlefield

Patent invalidation: defend a patent claim to show that the existing patent is invalid and improperly granted. This is done by discovering a record that demonstrates that the claimed invention is not novel or non-obvious. Why do people invalidate? * Invalidation search is a defensive tool used by a company when it is infringing a […]

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The Sharon Tate murders fifty years later: new facts and a new film

She was thirteen years old and living in New York when Sharon Tate and her house guests were brutally murdered early on the morning of August 9, 1969. The guests were there because Sharon was having dinner that same night. Guests included action hero movie star Steve McQueen and legendary music producer Quincy Jones. Both […]

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Buying Guitars: The Pros and Cons of Vintage vs. Reissue

For most people, owning the “genuine article” is the only thing that will suffice. As a guitarist and one who appreciates “old” classical instruments, I can perfectly understand this point of view. I can’t think of a single guitarist who wouldn’t love to play a 1950s Les Paul or Strat. However, becoming the proud owner […]

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China Wholesale Electronics – Legit Dealers and Scammers

Everyone knows that when you buy something from China, especially something like wholesale electronics, it’s just about the ultimate example of risk and reward. There are many people experiences with Chinese wholesalers, I am one of them, here is my personal experience with Chinese wholesalers and how you can find the good ones. I have […]

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Top 3 tax problems for truckers

Every tax season, thousands of truckers leave millions of dollars in tax deductions on the table. This is largely due to improper planning and poor bookkeeping. Additionally, many tax professionals do a poor job of properly informing truckers about the different tax breaks available to them. Truck drivers have access to many different tax deductions […]

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Use affirmations to create a six figure career doing what you love

So, you have a talent, a favorite skill, hobby, or pastime that you love to do. Wouldn’t it be great to turn it into a six figure career? Take a look at these tips and affirmations to move your dream forward. While affirmations are very powerful, be sure to also use action. Don’t get me […]

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