Chemtrails – Poisoning the very air we breathe – Look to the skies

Have you ever noticed a plane flying in the sky and how a white line trails behind it? then watch how

say grates a short distance behind him? This is known as a contrail or contrail.

Now see the jet flying over your head. Hears! His wake from her is not disappearing behind her! it’s miles and

miles long! It goes from horizon to horizon. What gives!?!?

This is known as a chemtrail. A trace of chemical sprayed by a jet.

What the chemist is one can only speculate. Some say it’s aluminum oxide.

Designed to reflect sunlight back into space to reduce or prevent global warming.

Others say it’s a virus, like the flu or something, designed to make the weak

recipient of the diseased immune system. And some even expire. In an attempt to shrink the world

population so that the New World Order can more easily gain control.

In some reports, chemical trails have reduced the population in some areas in

12% Other reports and photographs show how densely populated areas are fumigated

strongly. You could play tic tac toe in heaven. So much for a clear sky.

In some movies, chemical trails have been captured on film.

So the next time you’re outside on a sunny day, put on your sunglasses.

Looks skyward. And most likely, you will witness one of the scheduled fumigations

for your area. Don’t be fooled into thinking it’s just cirrus.

The following are various links to copy/paste into another browser window.

Many show images of chemical trails and various links to follow.

One even offers a chemtrail destroyer.

We must stop this.



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Everyone needs to be educated.

Gas mask anyone?


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