How to feel quartz and stones

Many people have struggled with their attempts to feel the vibrations of quartz and other stones.

When you hold a piece of quartz in your hands, you can grasp it with your palm or grasp it with the tips of 5 fingers. Personally, I prefer to use all five fingers to hold and feel the stone. The fingers are more sensitive to the sensation of vibrations.

And the left hand is preferred; I call the left hand receiving and the right hand projecting.

The first time you may not feel anything, perhaps just the touch of a cold object with its weight pressing on your fingers. Don’t feel discouraged. It took me three months to hold my first piece of quartz day and night before I could positively feel it.

Do a little centering exercise: I recommend deep breathing for three inhalations, hold for a count of three, and exhale three in a set of six. Close your eyes when you do this balancing exercise. Or take a piece of labradorite and hold it in the receiving left hand for 10 minutes before touching the target stone. I can help my students by using my energy to open the minor chakras in their hands so they can better feel the stone.

Now, when you start to feel the stone in your hand, you can first experience its temperature and its weight. That is normal. Close your eyes and relax, instead of pushing yourself so hard mentally. You would then find that the stone begins to stick to your fingers and there seems to be a suction effect as you stick your fingers to the stone.

You may start to feel some stirring sensations from the stone and suspect that you are feeling your own pulse. It’s okay if you can feel your own pulse beat when you hold your stone. At least, you’re starting to walk on your first try.

Now, beyond the pulse rate, you can feel another level of vibration emitted by the stone that vibrates differently to the beat rate of your pulse. Sometimes these vibrations are so weak that you hardly notice them. Most properly cleansed quartz have lively, animated vibrations that are distinctly different from the frequency of your pulse or heartbeat. Keep your attention longer on the quartz vibrations and they will become more accentuated until you feel them positively.

Some stones are light and some stones are heavy on vibrations. They normally follow the scale of the 7 colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (or white). The red stones have heavier vibrations and the other stones have progressively lighter vibrations. I teach another method of feeling the stones using the chakra systems to feel them.

As a rule, stones, or even objects, that have negative vibrations, have a heavy feeling. Remember that the lower entities thrive in the lower vibrating realms; they may prefer the vibration of the red, orange or yellow lower scale. Their vibrations are different from the vibrations of these original colors; the former have the sensation of revulsion, or shooting pains, sometimes making your solar plexus flutter uncomfortably, while the latter, though heavy in sensation, have a pleasant sensation to the touch.

Next to consider is the strength of the vibrations. Some stones are strong and some are weak in their vibration frequency. Some are so strong that they seem to numb your hand to touch, while others are so light that you can barely feel them. Normally, a stone that has been wounded or magnetized by singing has a higher vibration force; although some are naturally strong by their natural constitution. The stones originated by meteorites have these strong natural vibrations and are the favorite stones to protect against negativities.

I also teach stone programming which involves discerning the vibrations of emotion. I tell my students to hold each stone, one at a time, and try to project their thoughts onto it. They are told to project one thought of a happy past event and one thought of a sad event. When they pick up these stones again to feel their vibrations, they notice that there is indeed a marked difference between the two. For the stone programmed with the happy memories, it is faster, lighter, livelier and more pleasant to touch while the one that encapsulated the unpleasant past has those slower and unpleasant vibrations. Some students may be moved to tears when they touch the unhappy stone.

Also, by feeling the vibrations in the fingertips, we can also get the resonance of the stone in other parts of our body. One is the effect on our chakras depending on the type and color of the stones. But sometimes we can have the corresponding sensations in foreign parts of our body such as our shoulders, our forehead or our legs.

I have also taught the energy transfer method; Students are asked to hold and feel the vibrations of the stone in their left hand and bring these vibrations to their right hand. After a bit of practice, you should be able to feel the same vibrations, although less prominent, in your right hand. This is a critical step in teaching my student how to harness the energy of the stone with his left receiving hand and project it through his projecting right hand.

In addition to using our hands to feel the quartz and stones, at a more advanced level we could use our eyes to look at them and pick up their vibrations. And, the dimensions of space and time become non-barriers, since we can feel these quartz and stones by looking at them even if they are in photographs. We might even pick up on their vibrations when we recalled from our memory bank what they looked like.

However, we could even use our whole body to feel and pick up its vibrational frequencies. To be more precise, we are using our pores to feel them. Remember when you go to a natural setting of quartz and natural stones, and the first experience is the overwhelming or uplifting vibrations in the air. You are feeling the entire community of these stones in close proximity. The same goes for your experience when you first walk into a rock shop. You may unconsciously or consciously first feel the collective vibrations of the different stones in the store with your skin.

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