Key Legal Concepts and Terms You Need to Know

Key Legal Concepts

Regardless of your area of study, there are many key legal concepts and terms you will need to learn. They may include terms related to civil law, criminal law, or even statutory laws and government policies. Lawyers are those who practice law and represent clients by arguing in court, tribunals, or other decision-making bodies. To be a lawyer, you need to be licensed by the government or law society in your country.

There are two main types of ITR Law: civil and criminal. The first type of law deals with legal disputes between private individuals or entities, mainly involving negligence and breach of contract. The second is statute law, which deals with laws passed by legislative bodies. Attorney: A person who is appointed by a court to represent a party in a lawsuit. He or she gives legal advice and counsel to a client, often in return for money.

Judge: An official of the Judicial branch with authority to decide lawsuits. It is also the presiding officer of a court, which includes federal courts and state courts. Jury: A group of people chosen by the court to listen to evidence and decide a case. In court, a jury is usually comprised of 12 members, with six women and six men.

Key Legal Concepts and Terms You Need to Know

In some cases, a panel of judges is also used for trial. Typically, this panel is made up of one judge and two or three others. Proof: The process of showing that the information in a case is true according to facts, rather than hearsay or opinion. In a lawsuit, it is the party’s duty to show that the allegations in their case are true and not based on rumour or conjecture.

Damages: A measure of the harm done to a person by a defendant in a lawsuit. These measures can range from money to property to physical harm, and may be paid by a person or company. Diligence: The quality of someone who is willing to do something in a way that would be expected of another responsible person under similar circumstances.

Harassment: Unwelcome conduct or behavior that is severe enough to create a hostile work environment for an employee. It can involve sexual, racial, religious or age discrimination, and it may lead to job loss or demotion. Appeals: When a party loses at court, they can appeal to a higher court. They may want to reverse the lower court’s decision, or they may want to affirm it.

A writ of habeas corpus is a judicial order requiring that a prisoner be brought to court, to prove that the prisoner’s rights were violated during his or her criminal trial or detention. It is the most common of all forms of a writ of habeas corpus and can be filed by state prison inmates who have been wrongfully imprisoned in their home state or federal inmates who are incarcerated in their home states, but who have been denied access to a hearing by federal judges.

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