Laser Comb For Hair Loss: Learn The Theory Behind This Low Level Laser Therapy Technology

A laser hair loss comb uses an electric comb that uses laser technology to prevent or restore hair loss. By emitting low-level laser light, laser comb phototherapy helps develop stronger, healthier hair. This laser technology is applied to the affected areas of the scalp with a prescribed frequency of application and use. The final result would be the arrest of hair loss and new growth due to continued use.

There are many brands of laser combs on the market designed to treat androgenic alopecia. Some of these brands are Nutreve 1700, Spencer Forrest X5, Sunetics Laser Brush, Erchonia THL-1 and Hair Rejuvenator Laser Comb 7, HairMax, etc. These products are considered to have passed the standards for laser products required by the Food and Drug Administration.

Most laser combs or brushes have similar operations. You should be guided by the instruction manual and follow it meticulously. Each session usually lasts between 15 and 20 minutes. Make sure the scalp is completely clean. The normal session is held regularly about three times a week at your home. There are no known side effects of low level laser therapy. In fact, what you can expect is a cleaner, more normal scalp, without scalp irritation or dandruff.

A popular laser comb is the HairMax, which has been clinically proven to transform a weakened hair follicle into a healthy one capable of producing beautiful, thick, healthy hair. The product is patented and made in the United States. Customer satisfaction has been reported to be over 90%. The company is an ISO quality assured entity and an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau.

The theory behind the HairMax Laser Comb lies in its proprietary combination of vascularization and stimulation of cellular metabolism through low-level laser therapy. By improving and increasing blood flow and circulation in the scalp, the hair follicles receive the necessary nutrients and expel or block DHT. The energized hair follicle is now revived and its function of producing new hair is restored. The price is around $500.

Another product is the Sunetics Laser Hair Brush with its patented “G” Model Clinical Laser. The laser brush is manufactured under strict quality control guidelines. It is designed using laser hair therapy technology to achieve thicker, fuller, shinier and healthier looking hair. The Sunetics laser hairbrush has a device built into the hairbrush that contains laser diodes that provide a precision pattern of laser light. The bristles are constructed to focus the laser light at a focal location that coincides with the user’s skin or scalp when the brush is used. The price is $399.
The advantage of using a handheld laser comb is that you do not need to go to a salon or clinic to have a hair restoration assistant apply the treatment. By simply carefully following the simple instructions in the operating manual, you can perform laser therapy in the privacy of your own home or office. It is very convenient for people who need privacy and confidentiality about self-control of their hair loss treatment. Another advantage is its portability and ease of use. No matter how busy you are or where you are, you can bring the laser comb and perform the procedure for 20 minutes and that’s it. Not only that, you can share your hair loss laser comb device with anyone else close to you who is also in a similar situation.

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