Skin Care History Part 9: Ancient Rome: The Empire, 31 BC-400

Continuing traditions in the Empire

Today, the Roman Empire is known as one of the largest and most prosperous empires the world has ever seen. Over the course of four centuries, what began as a small town slowly expanded into neighboring countries, spreading across Europe and the Middle East. At its height, the Roman Empire reached as far north as what is now the United Kingdom and as far east as what is now Turkey. As it expanded, Rome brought its culture with it, taking with it its traditions of hygiene and skin care. However, while they may have been hell-bent on world domination, the Romans weren’t afraid to learn from the societies they conquered. In fact, they chose as many skincare treatments as they shared and made them their own.

Under the influence of the all-powerful Roman emperors and their elaborate courts, Roman society became more extravagant than ever. However, the Romans retained many of the cosmetic traditions that they had first developed during their time as a republic. Public baths continued to be an important place for both socializing and cleanliness. In fact, many powerful men discussed war strategies while bathing. Roman women had their own baths in the same building, continuing to lighten their complexions with lead and chalk and even crocodile dung, if they could afford it. Bathing was an everyday occurrence and all Roman citizens were expected to maintain a standard of cleanliness. While the poorer citizens could not afford the luxurious cosmetics and skin care products enjoyed by those at the Roman court, people from all walks of life attended the public baths on a daily basis.

Expanding the Empire

As the Roman Empire expanded, it brought with it years of skin care experience. When Roman soldiers conquered a new area, they introduced their own culture and traditions to the people who already lived there. One thing the soldiers made sure to establish in each new colony was a public bath house. While the construction of these was often complicated and involved the construction of large aqueducts and plumbing systems, bathing was so important to Roman culture that it was well worth the effort. The remains of Roman baths have been found in all parts of the ancient Roman Empire, from Germany to Turkey to England. Today, many of these bathhouses are still in use in the form of public swimming pools or spas. Bath, England is home to one of the best-known examples of a working Roman bath. It was first rediscovered during the 12th century, when it was opened for use by medieval royalty. While the current upper section is a reconstruction, the lower structures and columns and the pools themselves are original Roman work and thousands of years old. (You can read more about the baths in Bath, England here:

Learning from the conquered

As the Romans spread their culture and knowledge of bathing and skin care, they also began to incorporate knowledge from the societies they conquered. Rome has long had relationships with countries like Greece and Egypt and many of its skin care products are borrowed from these two cultures. However, as they spread throughout Europe and especially the Middle East, they learned about new plants, herbs, and oils that could be used to moisturize and protect the skin. The mineral alum, for example, had long been used in Middle Eastern countries as an astringent and to treat skin scabs and abrasions. Frankincense and myrrh, two plants that had long been used in Egyptian and Middle Eastern cosmetics and lotions, also became much more widely available as the Roman Empire expanded. (You can read more about Middle Eastern herbs, spices and traditional remedies here:

It’s hard to underestimate the effect Roman culture has had on modern society and its ideas about skin care. Along with the historic baths that are still in use throughout Europe, it is easy to see the echo of the Roman bath tradition in contemporary public spas and pools. Even modern razors and hair removal creams may have their origins in Roman hair removal devices. As the world becomes more globalized, the cultural exchange of cosmetic traditions echoes the Roman Empire’s willingness to learn from others, even as they spread their own culture and traditions.

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