The advantages of a good user manual

When consumers want to know how to use a product they have purchased, they can refer to a user manual. Learning the correct way to use a device will greatly reduce the risk of accidentally destroying it. This means fewer RMA fees and significantly lower associated costs. Although this is perhaps its best advantage, a user manual can be beneficial in other ways as well.

When a manual is well written, it offers more benefits:

Limits legal issues related to product misuse

When products are not used properly, it can lead to serious injury or even death. This is especially true when it comes to high-voltage equipment, lasers, heat-generating devices, and different mechanical tools, among others. It is important to place the respective labels on the manuals as a security measure for end users and to protect manufacturers from legal consequences. In addition, there must be warning labels on the products where they can be easily seen, such as next to openings and interlocks.

Saves engineers and salespeople time and effort explaining to end users

When a manual is complete, engineers and salespeople spend less time explaining to customers how to use the products or their other features. This, however, requires good technical writing skills. It is vital that the writer puts himself in the client’s shoes, so he must not be biased. Therefore, it must be someone who is not related to the company.

It serves as a sales brochure.

There is no product brochure that provides enough information that engineers need when looking for a particular product to incorporate into their system. Only a user manual can give you everything you need in one place. Customers typically search for a product’s user manual before requesting a quote. When companies want to market their product and all the positive features it has, they can always start with a user manual.

It carries the image of the company.

Technical documentation is the way you treat your customers. You want your customers to be well informed about your products so that they think that they are not only easy to use, but also a good investment. Sometimes whitepapers allow your customers to easily get hooked on your product in no time. They allow engineers to have a good disposition. This way, you get more positive feedback and successful efforts.

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