Where does all the fat go when you lose pounds?

The world is obsessed with fad eating and weight loss methodologies, but few of us know how fat really does melt off the scale. In fact, even the 150 fitness specialists, dieticians, and trainers we reviewed shared this startling gap in their domain of wellness. The most widely recognized misjudgment, by a wide margin, was […]

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Vitamins that help you lose weight

Did you know that the human body requires 13 vitamins to function properly? Did you know that all 13 essential vitamins are found in whole foods? According to the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, “Nutrients should be obtained primarily through food consumption. Food provides a variety of nutrients and other compounds that may have beneficial […]

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The truth about low carb diets and how to improve your carbohydrates

Is a low-carb diet really effective? I guess it depends on your definition of cash. Yes, a low carb diet will help you lose weight fast, perhaps faster than anything other than a full diet. However, there are a few things you should know about carbohydrates that will help clarify why a low-carb diet isn’t […]

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Liver problems – what are the symptoms?

Liver problems can range from mild liver congestion to severe liver disease. Depending on the problem, many people don’t know they have a liver problem and may only have vague symptoms. One of the most common symptoms is chronic fatigue. These people usually feel lethargic and sluggish during the day, especially in the morning. Due […]

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Three Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training

If you’re looking for a new training regimen, or just looking for a new challenge, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) might be for you. It is a style of interval training that features fast, intense bursts followed by short recovery periods. You give it your all during short bursts, take a quick break, and then repeat […]

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