Considering a home: Start with the basement

After more than a decade, as a licensed real estate seller in New York State, I have observed that large numbers of people pay very little attention to one of the most important parts of a home. While the kitchen, bedrooms, and beautiful bathrooms may be more fun and enjoyable to look at, a wise, educated home finder begins by taking a closer look at the basement. It’s amazing how much you can learn when you look there, including: some important core components; any existing or previous structural damage; if there is a water problem; and what is often called, house bones. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt, consider, examine, review, and discuss. For some of the reasons, the basement of a house often indicates a lot about the house itself.

1. Heating system: In the overwhelming number of cases, the main core of a home’s heating system is in the basement. First, is the system electric, oil or gas, or any combination, including alternatives like solar and geothermal? What is the age and condition of the burner and boiler? How loud or quiet is it? How often has it been serviced? Are there odors, etc.? How is it ventilated, etc.?

two. Electric: Look at the electrical box. What level of service is there in the house, 100 amps or 220 amps? How neat, organized, and clearly labeled is the box? If there is a need, to address future electrical problems, how easily could an electrician locate the root / cause of the problem?

3. Water: How old is the hot water tank? In what condition is it?

Four. Legally terminated: Are the finished parts of the basement made legally, with permits, inspections, etc. suitable? Are there signs of excessive humidity or a worrisome odor?

5. Water damage: Does there seem to be any indication of water damage in the past? Look at the walls, the floors and ask, pointing out questions, to find out if there has ever been damage, etc. Are there any built-in? dehumidify, etc?

6. Structural: Inspect joists and other structural supports, especially in exposed areas (usually unfinished areas, such as near the burner / furnace, utility room, laundry room (false ceiling) and consider for signs of termites, carpenter ants, etc. etc. Although you may not notice any problems, before you buy, have a professional inspect it, to be sure, you know, before you buy!

7. Neatness: The condition, and whether it is clean and tidy, is often a clear indicator of how well the home has been cared for.

You can usually change a kitchen, bathroom, and renovate / update various parts of a house, but unless you have the bones, You are not using a common sense approach to buying a home! Will you follow this logical or just emotional approach?

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